Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Laser eye surgery to correct vision problems

Laser eye surgery is the most commonly practiced procedure to correct vision problems caused by refractive errors, including myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness) and astigmatism (distorted vision when looking at objects at any distance).

When choosing you laser eye surgery it is best to put some research time to get more information about the precedure of laser surgery. Get information from friends and relatives who had early undergone eye laser surgery, ask question as many as you want to know and how well known is the doctor and his surgery jobs. Lastly Make sure you are a suitable candidate for surgery before you decide to go ahead.

During laser eye surgery, a surgeon uses a laser device to make permanent changes to the shape of the cornea. The laser used most often is the Excimer laser, which produces a beam of ultraviolet light to vaporize tissue. Surgically altering the shape of the cornea can correct mild to moderate refractive errors in most people.
